Sunday, March 11, 2012

Discovering Wonderings that Drive Teacher Inquiry

I found this week’s assignment to be a bit frustrating.  After reading about the different areas where teachers and administrators find their wonderings that lead to action research, I found it extremely difficult to settle on one topic of interest for my particular action research project.  I did rely on some insight from my site mentor and decided to investigate best practices for leading technology themed staff developments.  I feel very strongly about this topic because it has a two pronged approach.  It gives me the opportunity to exercise leadership ability through the possibility of conducting a staff development session, but also enables me to research a subject matter that I am just beginning to explore. 


  1. You are right! There are so many areas we can wonder about and investigate, but the one you are choosing to do sounds great! Teacher's need to stay in tune with the times and it's all about technology now! Great topic and may I say I am jealous that you have an Eiffel tower for your blog background. It looks awesome! I would have put one up myself if I knew how. I LOVE PARIS!!

  2. You are not alone, I too have found it difficult to settle on one thing. So far I have changed several times and eventhough I have written and submitted my research plan I am not sure if I will stick with that one or change but I better make up my mind soon. This week was frustrating for me as well. Good luck with your research.
